How are you getting on with the daily prompts? Are you finding your way to your creative instinct? Are words arriving on the page? As always, be kind to yourself. I keep thinking about an interview Tim Winton did with the great Andrew Denton years ago in which he (Winton) referred to his creative practice as being like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. “Some days,” he said, “there is no rabbit.”
Denton nodded sympathetically.
And then Winton added, “And some days, there is no hat.”
In other words, it’s okay if some days the hat doesn’t show up. The act of you showing up is building your muscle. As Anne Enright said of writing, day after day, year after year, with or without external validation: “It changes you, it just does.”
We’re now at the midpoint of the Immersion: Deep program. Midway is often the time of resistance, of tension. Midpoint is a perfect moment to look back. To check in with yourself. To take stock.
Take a little time today to look at what you began with at the start of this program. Take your loveliest journal (have I mentioned my obsession with vegan leather soft-paper square-paged journals?) and your favourite pen and reflect on the following questions:
- What have I created over the last few weeks?
- How have I showed up for my own creativity these last few weeks?
- What were my ‘aha’ moments of inspiration or insight?
- What moments or processes seem to have borne most fruit for me?
- What moments or processes felt difficult?
- Is there anything that could have made these weeks even more fruitful?
- What’s one challenge I have in my creative life right now?
- How might this challenge be inviting me to expand?
- What is my intention for the rest of the program?
- And what about my intention for the coming week?
- What single action I can take this week to deepen my creativity?
Today, look back with compassion, in order to look forward with clear eyed hope.
Your prompt for today:
Write about a parade
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